Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thanks to God

I need to take a moment and give thanks for the miracles that have happened in my familiy as of late..

it has been muddled with all kinds of stupid family drama. and sometimes its frustrating to hear all the immaturity even in adults who are supposed to be more responsible...but the good is still there. so here it is.

my brother brady was hit by a car going full speed, and survived. he's in icu but he has brain activity and is going to be okay.  that is amazing. not only because people could die from this and do all the time, ut because Brady has had so many last chances. because for so long i've been dreading that phone call. and the Lord has saved him so many times, and i am forever grateful.

my sister had her baby! Briggs Carter Eaten is the best little boy i have ever ever seen.  he has this little crooked smile like ashlee, and ryan's nose.  seeing him makes the whole world seem better, and i am so thankful to be a part of his life.

im exhausted, but so so thankful.

i guess this is the rainbow?  now im ready for the rest of the good. :)

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