Thursday, February 23, 2012

no means what??

Recently I've realized a lot of men in the world think that a girl saying no to sexual things means anything other than no. 


NO but maybe...
NO until i change my mind...
NO but secretly I'm teasing you until you make me decide yes??

NO MEANS (yup you guessed it) NO!

Statistics show that two thirds of teens in one survey said it was okay for a boy to force sex on a girl if they’d been dating for more than six months. A large number said it was okay if the boy/man had spent a lot of money on her. One in three said it was okay if the girl had been sexually active before.

that scares me.

ATTENTION ALL MEN AND BOYS READING THIS: If a woman says no, in any shape or form it means no.  do not push boundaries, even a little bit, its still pushing.  date rape is a commonly mis-diagnosed thing; and in the USA, if the word no is spoken at all, and sex is forced, that is considered rape in a court of law.

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND WOMEN READING THIS:  Please don't use "no" as a teasing method.  Don't say no and really mean yes.  and if you really don't want to do anything don't feel like you have to because either you don't want to hurt feelings, or make anything awkward, or because you think you're supposed to have sex at certain times.  If you're ever in this situation, ladies educate these men!  Tell them when they make you feel uncomfortable or pushed.  A lot of boys/men justify this behavior, tell them its not OK and stand up for yourself!

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